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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ThePinang therapeutic soap

 Honey Oatmeal Soap
(自然风味皂 - 密糖燕麦)

Price: RM12 (approx. 140g soap bar)
Price excluded postage, shipping is free if mimum  order > 10 pcs
delivery zone : within Penang
Honey Oatmeal Soap bar (140g)

Product description : Honey Oatmeal soap is probably one of the best handmade glycerin soap for dry skin. Honey soap contained colloidal Oatmeal, a gentle exfoliant, and honey. One of the benefits of honey is that it attracts water, therefore, hydrates and soothes the skin. Honey oatmeal soap is the best remedy to relief dry and itchi skin.

Skin type : dry and sensitive skin
Ingredients : Vegetable glycerin, Honey, Rolled oats, Olive pomace oil, Vanilla and Honey flora fragrance

Health Benefits for skin:
Honey : honey offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, hot beauty and skin care tips for ladies, and amazing healing properties as a head-to-toe remedy, from eye conjunctivitis to athlete foot. Its powerful healing attributes have long been used thousands of years ago and known to promote healing for cuts, cure ailments and diseases, and correct health disorders for generations after generations. Reference :
Olive oil – It’s perhaps the best remedy for skin problems and an effective moisturizer! This is specially formulated for dry skin.
Oatmeal - The main constituents of oats extract are saponins (avenacosides A and B, avenacin) and polyphenols. I added in oats to moisturize your skin and provide anti-aging effect. Any of my products with oatmeal will help to alleviate acne, pimples and to improve problem skin.

1 comment:

  1. I think this combination of honey with glycerin soap is new for me. I love using glycerin soap because I feel that I am so clean because of it.
